Visual basic data reports
Visual basic data reports

visual basic data reports

Click the OLE DB (ADO) node in the Available Data Sources pane of the dialog. To select the data source, right-click on the report design surface and select the Database, Add/Remove Database options.


There are two versions of the Crystal Reports Viewer component: one for viewing reports on a Windows form and one for viewing reports on an ASP.NET Web form. This example uses the SQL Server OLE DB provider. There are several different choices for connecting your data source. NET designer ( Figure 2 ), Figure 1: The Crystal Report Gallery used for creating new reports.

visual basic data reports

Once you have created your new item you can use the Crystal Reports. However, I find that I spend more time fixing up the report once the wizard has created it, than I would have by creating the report from scratch. Crystal Reports does have a report wizard that can be used to create your report. In the Crystal Reports Gallery dialog (see Figure 1), select As a Blank Report and click OK. Select it and enter a filename for your report. In the Templates pane of the Add New Item dialog, scroll down until you see Crystal Report. Once you have created your new project, right-click on the project in the Solution Explorer and choose Add, New Item. You can choose to create a project using C# or Visual Basic. Create a new Windows project by selecting Windows Application from the template dialog. The first step to creating a new report is to create a Visual Studio. Limit the report products that have not been discontinued.Īs you can see, this set of requirements will demonstrate the majority of features necessary to create production quality reports. Highlight all products where the quantity on hand has fallen below the re-order level. Show a count and total value of all products in stock by category and an overall count and total value. Display the Quantity on Hand, Unit Price, Re-order Level and value of each product. Show a list of all Products grouped by Category. The report will use data from the SQL Server database called Northwind.


The major focus of this article is to show you how to create a complex report using Crystal Reports. Exposing reports as Web services enables developers to offer real-time information (in the form of a report) as opposed to real-time data! Designing and Viewing a Report in Crystal Reports. This adds additional power to Web service applications. NET provides the ability to use ADO.NET datasets as the data source for reports. Developers can change report properties by calling methods or setting properties of the viewer object.ĪDO.NET is now the lingua-franca of data interchange in the. Viewing a report is as simple as setting the ReportSource property of the respective viewer.Īllowing users to interact with the reportĭevelopers can give users the ability to interact with their reports object via a programmable API. The beauty of these viewers is in their simplicity.

visual basic data reports

The other is a component that can be used to display reports in a Web environment. The first can be used for displaying reports in Windows forms. NET provides developers with two different report viewing components. Developers no longer have to switch to a different application to create and edit reports.Ĭrystal Reports. It is tightly integrated into the Visual Studio. NET has been completely re-written from the ground-up in C#. After creating this report, you will learn how to publish its content to the Web as a Web service. NET and shows you how to integrate a report into your application.

visual basic data reports

This article examines some of the new features of Crystal Reports. It also comes with a highly customizable viewer component that gives developers control on how their reports are presented to users. It offers a very well defined object model that provides flexibility when integrating reports into Windows and Web applications. You can use an OLE DB provider, ODBC data source, ADO.NET dataset, and even an XML Web service.Ĭrystal Reports. There are a wide variety of available sources for feeding data into your report. I will also show you how to publish a report as a Web service and consume the service in a Web form. NET and shows you how to create reports and view them in either a Windows form or a Web form. This article introduces you to Crystal Reports. NET provides developers with the fastest, most productive way to create and integrate presentation-quality, interactive reports that scale to meet the demands of end users. It is included in all major editions and ships in all languages available with Visual Studio. Crystal Reports is officially a member of the Visual Studio.

Visual basic data reports